My Journey to Better Health

My Journey to Better Health

7 years ago I began a journey to better health that changed me and my family’s life forever. I decided I had enough with a diagnosis of PCOS & infertility. My husband was told he had a 1 in a billion chance to ever have a baby. I had 2 miscarriages and I had Bell’s Palsy for a short time. My neighbor came over to bring me essential oils, and my Bell’s Palsy started healing within a week. My husband and I noticed we had mental “fog” and sleepiness after every meal. Our family as a whole was dealing with sicknesses every month (strep/flu/head colds). I thought there must be more to these oils and a healthy lifestyle than I had ever known. I didn’t grow up in a family who ate regular fruits and veggies. We ate pizza rolls, toaster strudels, a lot of TX BBQ, fast food, & pop tarts. 

       I started switching our regular grocery store routine with organic items and we immediately noticed a huge difference in taste. Organic celery tasted fresh and non-organic celery tasted like dirt no matter how much I washed it. Organic strawberries were the item that brought my husband on board- they tasted so sweet like a strawberry should taste. Some benefits of eating organic foods are: they help boost your immune system, prevents cancer & premature aging, higher in nutrients (especially when eaten raw), free of neurotoxins, no artificial colors, not exposed to gas-ripening, reduce cancer risk (some studies say up to 25%!), no chemical fertilizers, brain and body booster (more energy!), & it lessens your exposure to antibiotics/synthetic hormones/& drugs. 

      When we made the switch to organic foods we felt so much more energy. As a whole, my family noticed we stopped getting sick as much, we were able to get pregnant naturally with our daughter. The PCOS I was diagnosed with I was told would never go away- but every year they have checked my labs and every year I no longer have it. We used to say that paying more for organic food wasn’t worth it, but then we tried it and we have decided our health and wellness is worth it. We choose to let food be our medicine and medicine be our food. -Hippocrates